Meet Beau

Meet Beau

Rose House currently has six forever homes in Morris County, NJ including five group homes and an independent living apartment complex. We have the capacity to house a total of 32 adults with special needs. Here’s a look at one of our clients. These profiles will rotate every few months, so please return soon.

Beau was comfortable living at home with his loving family. His parents were mutually happy to have him around.

They originally felt there was no rush for Beau to move out as he had a fulfilling job at Employment Horizons, enjoyed bowling on Saturdays with MCARP (Morris County Adaptive Recreation Program) and had a great social life which included friends’ birthday parties. However, Beau’s parents knew in their hearts that he would eventually need a place to live where he could learn how to be more independent.

Rose House welcomed Beau in 2011 to the Independent Living Program at the Hanover Community Residence, just a few months before his 30th birthday.

“At first, it was a big adjustment because he did not want to move out of the house, but he has matured tremendously since then,” said his mother Pat. “He loves his routine, which includes going to work, doing his laundry, cooking meals and grocery shopping. He’s now the happiest he’s ever been and doing very well. I can’t think of anywhere else we would rather have him live.”

Beau still participates in all the fun activities he enjoyed prior to Rose House, especially bowling and parties, but it now includes his housemates and staff, which are like a second family. It’s also comforting to Beau that he has known many of his housemates since he was five years old as they went to the same elementary school in the area.

The Independent Living Program has provided Beau with a new sense of freedom. He enjoys scheduling his week, deciding what activities he wants to participate in. Beau takes pride in his apartment and gets along well with his new roommate, Nick. Program staff remark that his social skills have tremendously improved, especially when it comes to patience among his peers.

Beau is now more outgoing than ever. A notable achievement is his involvement in the Morris County Aktion Club, a service club for adults with disabilities. He has held a few officer positions in the organization that raises money for local and national causes. Beau is also known by Rose House staff for his great sense of humor.

When he’s not at work or engaging in activities, Beau loves to research his heritage on His family — which includes two brothers, a sister, two nieces and a nephew — is always interested to learn about their history from him.